Our Staff

Pastor Dalton Fowler

Sarah Watts, Youth Director

David Clardy, Worship Ministry Leader
David has been part of the Hopewell family since September 2012. During his time at Hopewell David has been a Youth Coordinator with his wife Carla (he is still very active with the youth, working with the new Youth Director, when needed), a choir member, served on the Property and Grounds Team and the Audio/Visual Team (being very progressive in updating Hopewell's sound and visual equipment). David works for Michelin and his wife Carla is a teacher with McCants and Nevitt Forest. They have two kids and many animals.

Lynn Greer, Administrative Assistant
Lynn lives in Anderson, SC born and raised. She has an Associates Degree in Business Administration. Years of experience coordinating and managing business related matters; operating an office in the public sector, private owned business and in the ministry. Lynn has been at Hopewell for over 30 years and has served as our Administrative Assistant since 2008. Lynn has three girls, two granddaughters and six grandsons. You can reach Lynn at lynn@hbcanderson.com .