From the Pastor's Heart

Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 6/20/2024

Church Family, 
Psalm 113:2-3 says, "Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised!" What you got going on today? Have you praised the LORD yet today? If not, then you've missed part of the window! We have from the rising of the sun to the setting of it to praise Him. And I know, what you got going on today may not be fun or joyful. It may be the exact opposite. But that doesn't negate the fact that your God is worthy of praise! So praise Him today regardless of your circumstances. If you do, you'll have your heart refocused and you'll display the glory of God to a lost world! Amen! 
As for announcements, VBS IS SUNDAY!!! With that, thank you to all who were able to help decorate last night. We will be finishing up our decorating this coming Saturday morning at 8am, so if you're able, come and help us finish strong in getting ready. 
Second, I also just want to thank everyone who has volunteered to help for VBS. VBS is special because of its ministry to the children, but it is also special because it requires so many hands and I was elated to learn that Nicole has more than enough volunteers! There are a lot of churches that would long for that volunteer help, and so I don't take it for granted. Thank you and it makes me so proud of God's Work in our church and through our people. 
Finally, in case you didn't read the last two paragraphs....Sunday is VBS! So invite some kids. Invite your family. Pray. And let's get ready to minister to those children whom God brings to us this coming Sunday! 
See you Sunday Morning! 


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 6/13/2024

Church Family, 
Revelation 2:8-11 says, "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: ‘The words of the first and the last, who died and came to life. “‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death." The church at Smyrna was the only church that did not have rebuke given to them in the list of churches in Revelation. I think that is fascinating! I just want you to see a few key things, they were poor, but they were rich in faith! So make sure you value the right things. Second, note that they were to be faithful to death. Death would seem like a failure, but death is nothing to our God who has already overcome it! Praise the Lord! 
As for announcements, this coming Wednesday night we will be doing a VBS workday rather than our normal class. Then the following Saturday at 8am we will hope to finish up all the prep necessary. So our VBS Workdays will be June 19 at 6pm and June 22 at 8am. If you can come help decorate and set up on either of those days, it would be greatly appreciated! 
Second, I want to tell you about a movie that is coming out that will be playing in Anderson Theaters on July 3-4. I have attached a flyer for you to check out, but this was brought to my attention by Fostering the Family. In fact, they said that some proceeds from the movie tickets will be coming to support their organization. So if you're able, make plans to go see this film. Here is the trailer:
Finally, don't forget that the Breakfast Bar will be open this coming Sunday at 9:15am in honor of Father's Day! See you then! 


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 6/6/2024

Church Family, 
Psalm 91:7-9a says, "A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. Because you have made the LORD your dwelling place." This is an encouraging Psalm, as it speaks of God's faithfulness and deliverance on our behalf. Listen, there is no promise that bad things won't happen to you in this world. But I can assure you of this: you will never encounter something greater than the God in whom you dwell, if you have in fact, turned to Him. And that should cause you to breathe a sigh of great relief and comfort. 
As for announcements, VBS is almost here! I spoke with Nicole and she said that the only volunteer needs we currently have is someone to provide the meal for Sunday night and a security person to watch over the parking lot. However, if you'd like to serve in some other way, our groups can always use more group leaders to help, so please let us know! Also, if you have kids to register or want to share the link, kids can register at
Second, on Wednesday June 19, rather than having our regular Wednesday Night Class we will be doing VBS set-up instead. So our VBS Workdays will be June 19 at 6pm and June 22 at 8am. If you can come help decorate and set up on either of those days, it would be greatly appreciated! 
Finally, I want to tell you about a movie that is coming out that will be playing in Anderson Theaters on July 3-4. I have attached a flyer for you to check out, but this was brought to my attention by Fostering the Family. In fact, they said that some proceeds from the movie tickets will be coming to support their organization. So if you're able, make plans to go see this film. Here is the trailer:


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 5/30/2024

Church Family, 
Psalm 81:11-12 says, "But my people did not listen to my voice; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own counsels." In Psalm 81, the Psalmist talks about all the ways God had delivered His people, but then we see their response. In all God's faithfulness, they did not listen to Him or submit to Him. As I read that verse, I couldn't help but think of myself and my church. One of the worst things God can do to us is to give us over to our own stubborn hearts and counsel. We need Him! Oh may we ever be attentive to hear from HIm, and may we never quit being desperately dependent upon the One who is our strength!
As for announcements, I want to remind all the ladies that WMU will be meeting this Saturday at 10am. So make plans to be there and hear a word from the Word, enjoy some fellowship, and be active in the mission projects. 
Second, on the week of June 9-12 the Southern Baptist Convention will be meeting for their annual meeting in Indianapolis. I plan to be there and it looks like it is set to be a big year of some very important votes. So I want you to be praying for that week and all that will be discussed and voted on. 
FInally, June 23 is the first day of VBS! I think most of the workers are signed up, but if you plan to help, we can certainly still use you. Just let Nicole Fowler ( know if you want to volunteer. So now, invite some kids and tell them to pre-register! And most importantly, be praying for that week. 
I look forward to gathering with you on Sunday. See you then! 


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 5/23/2024

Church Family, 
1 Peter 2:24-25 says, "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls." I hope I don't have to explain to you what this verse means. This is the gospel! Christ died for us so that we might live for Him! I just want to highlight the beauty of that phrase, "Overseer of your souls." How awesome is it that our Lord care for our very souls? If you've ever felt alone, don't forget the one who oversees not just your physical care, but also the very depths of your being. Praise the Lord!
As for announcements, thi9 s coming Sunday we will be recognizing and honoring all of our Graduates from the last academic year. This year we have nine graduates, and it should be a sweet time as we celebrate together as a family. 
Second, Breaker Rock Beach VBS is just around the corner. It will be June 23-27. So begin to spread the word and make sure to begin praying for that week. Pray for the workers and all the kids that we will be able to minister too. 
Finally, with VBS, I know there is still a need for volunteers. If you are able and willing to serve, please sign up or let me or Nicole Fowler ( know so that she can get it planned and make sure we are good to go. 
With that, I'll see you on Sunday!


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastors Heart 5/16/2024

Church Family, 
1 Peter 1:3-5 says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." Right after these verses, Peter is going to tell the believers to rejoice when they face various trials, and these verses are the foundation for that joy. Peter assures them they will endure trials, but first he assures them that their heavenly inheritance is kept in heaven and guarded and no trial will touch it! I praise God for the doctrine of eternal security or perseverance of the saints! It is not a doctrine that should encourage sin, but rather, it should anchor  and encourage us for faithful and bold service!
As for announcements, VBS is just around the corner! And with that, we need  just a few things from you. First, everyone needs to be praying for that week and for all the kids that will be a part of it. Second, invite friends and family and share the Facebook post if you have a Facebook account. Then finally, last but not least, sign up to serve! VBS takes a lot to pull off, and I'm so grateful for the way our church faithfully serves each year. So sign up on Sunday. Nicole will surely appreciate it as she starts finalizing details. 
Other than VBS, don't forget "Ladies Night Out" is this Saturday, and WMU is coming up again on the first Saturday of June. 
I look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday. See you then.  


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastors Heart 5/09/2024

Church Family, 
Isaiah 5:4 says, "What more was there to do for my vineyard, that I have not done in it? When I looked for it to yield grapes, why did it yield wild grapes?" In this chapter of Isaiah, he is using an extended metaphor to explain that God had done so many great things to allow the people of God to be safe and flourish, and yet, the didn't produce the right fruit. God had more than supplied for them, and they responded with sin. Now translate that to your life. What can God do for you that He has not already done? And what do you do with it? Those are humbling questions to ask. 
As for announcements, Ladies Night Out is coming up on May 18, which is just a little over a week away! So make sure you have signed up, paid, and have put it on your calendar! 
Second, if you have or are a graduate, please be sure to get me the pictures I need as soon as you can. We will be celebrating a graduate recognition service on May 26. 
Finally, Sunday is Mother's Day, and I have had some parents asking if we are doing a baby dedication. We do not have one planned for this Sunday, but if you are a member at Hopewell and you would like to have a family dedication, just reach out to me and we will talk about getting it scheduled. My hope is that as we focus on these dedications by request, we can be more intentional and deliberate in our prayer and focus for those special times. So just reach out! 


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastors Heart 5/02/2024

Church Family, 
Hebrews 5:12 says, "For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food." That verse is rather self explanatory. Christian, I would like to challenge you in just one way here briefly. Being in church ministry, I have often heard people brag on those who they consider "exceptional" in their handling of the Word of God, which is certainly ok. We should give honor to whom honor is due. However, the idea then seems to be that only a select few are the exceptional ones that will know their Bible, and it's that spoken or unspoken understanding that is the problem. Christian, you are meant to grow in godliness and in your knowledge of God's Word. That's not reserved for just some people. That's meant for us all! So build your appetite and get started on some solid food!
As for announcements, I want to thank the you all for the celebration we had for Bro. Mason this past Sunday. It was a sweet service, and I was so encouraged by the church's support and the spirit of unity and fellowship we had! It was just a blessing! Thank you for coming. Thank you for participating in lunch. Thank you for being a good family!
Second, don't forget that this Sunday, immediately following the morning service our WMU will be hosting a lunch to honor our Senior Adults. So if you are a senior adult, then make plans to be there and enjoy this special lunch as we and the WMU seek to make sure you know how much we love you and are grateful for you!
Finally, we will be honoring all of our graduates on May 26 this year! So if you or your senior are graduating this year and you would like to be recognized during that service then please let me know so I can plan accordingly and get you some much needed details! We have a large group to recognize this year and I know it's going to be a special time. 
See you Sunday!


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 4/11/2024

Church Family, 
1 Thessalonians 5:14 says, “And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the faint hearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.” I mentioned on Sunday why membership matters in the church, and this verse demonstrates some of the key jobs we have as members. To join with one another means to hold one another accountable, but it also means to be the biggest encourager and helper as well. We admonish or warn the idle because we know idleness will lead to all kinds of problems both worldly and spiritual. We encourage the faint hearted because we know what it’s like to be there, and so we speak words of hope into their lives. We are too lift one another up and be patient with all. The question is, do you do this, or is membership all about you? Look for opportunities to serve your brothers and sisters in Christ this week!
As for announcements, the new education building floors are scheduled to begin being installed on April 15! That means this coming Sunday should be our last Sunday before they are done! I can’t wait to see how it all looks when it’s finished. 
Second, make sure to join us for lunch on April 21 to help send our youth to camp. The cost of youth camp is $360 a student, so every dollar helps as these students are serving in order to go. The lunch will be loaded baked potatoes, salads, and dessert. Also, it will be by donation. 
Finally, the weekend of the 28th is going to be our ordination weekend for Brother Mason! We are excited about this opportunity, and to celebrate we are going to do a potluck lunch that Sunday. So if you can join us for that fellowship, please signup on Sunday and let the social team know what you are able to bring. 
I look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday! See you then!

Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 4/4/2024

Church Family, 
1 Corinthians 11:26 says, "For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes." On Thursday of Passion Week (Holy Thursday), Jesus had his last supper with the disciples and he instituted the Lord's Supper for the church. Paul says that every time we partake in this meal we proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. However, Paul certainly knew, as do we, that proclaiming his death is only important because He rose again! Today we remember that our Lord was suffering knowing what was coming in just one day. However, we also remember that Sunday is coming! And we praise the Lord for that!
As for announcements, I want to start by thanking you all for an awesome weekend of ministry and worship. We had so much help at the WMU's Hope Mission Breakfast on Saturday morning and we got the opportunity to serve and talk/pray with so many. Then at the Easter Egg Hunt we had great weather and a great turnout as the kids had a lot of fun, and many heard what Easter was all about for the first time! Then on Sunday, thank you all for singing along with me! I was nervous, but it was a blessing of a time, and I thank you for joining with the body in singing. 
Second, this Sunday is Easter! We will begin our Sunday morning at 7am for a Sunrise devotion. We will sing a few songs and have short devotional time together then. Then at around 7:30am we will be having breakfast courtesy of the deacons and the Men's ministry. There will be no Sunday School this Sunday. Instead, we will have our regular service at 9am (not 11!) and during that time we will celebrate the Resurrection and partake in the Lord's Supper! I can't wait!
Finally, don't forget to give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering if you haven't yet! Everything given to that fund is given to support church plants and ministries all across our country.
See you on Easter!


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 03/28/2024

Church Family, 
1 Corinthians 11:26 says, "For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes." On Thursday of Passion Week (Holy Thursday), Jesus had his last supper with the disciples and he instituted the Lord's Supper for the church. Paul says that every time we partake in this meal we proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. However, Paul certainly knew, as do we, that proclaiming his death is only important because He rose again! Today we remember that our Lord was suffering knowing what was coming in just one day. However, we also remember that Sunday is coming! And we praise the Lord for that!
As for announcements, I want to start by thanking you all for an awesome weekend of ministry and worship. We had so much help at the WMU's Hope Mission Breakfast on Saturday morning and we got the opportunity to serve and talk/pray with so many. Then at the Easter Egg Hunt we had great weather and a great turnout as the kids had a lot of fun, and many heard what Easter was all about for the first time! Then on Sunday, thank you all for singing along with me! I was nervous, but it was a blessing of a time, and I thank you for joining with the body in singing. 
Second, this Sunday is Easter! We will begin our Sunday morning at 7am for a Sunrise devotion. We will sing a few songs and have short devotional time together then. Then at around 7:30am we will be having breakfast courtesy of the deacons and the Men's ministry. There will be no Sunday School this Sunday. Instead, we will have our regular service at 9am (not 11!) and during that time we will celebrate the Resurrection and partake in the Lord's Supper! I can't wait!
Finally, don't forget to give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering if you haven't yet! Everything given to that fund is given to support church plants and ministries all across our country.
See you on Easter!


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 3/21/2024

Church Family, 
John 6:40 says, "For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day." I think this is just a beautiful verse. There is the promise of resurrection and eternal life for believers, but the it's only for those who have looked on the Son and believed in Him. I praise God that I have looked upon Him. We can find Him in His Word. Have you beheld the Son and trusted in Him? If so, then you have eternal life! 
As for announcements, this coming Saturday is a busy, but important day! At 6:30am we will be gathering at the Hope Mission downtown ( 213 S Towers St, Anderson, SC 29624) to serve them breakfast and minister to them. So if you can help with that, please come. Then if you are able to help hide Easter Eggs, we will begin that at 11am and then the Easter Egg Hunt will be taking place at 12:30pm! So invite your friends and neighbors and come help or just talk with the guests that will be on our campus. 
Second, Sunday is Palm Sunday and we have a business meeting immediately after the service. Also, I have been praying and thinking about this service for a while, and I'm excited about it! So I hope you're there every Sunday, but don't miss this one, as we have a surprise planned that I hope is edifying. 
Finally, Easter is March 31! We will have our regular Sunrise gathering/devotion followed by breakfast in the FLC. Then at 9am (not 11am), we will be gathering to worship our Risen Savior and we will be partaking in the Lord's Supper as well! So begin to prepare your hearts in eager expectation of that special service. 
With that, see you Saturday or Sunday! 
Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 2/22/2024

Church Family, 
Ezekiel 3:8 says, "Behold, I have made your face as hard as their faces, and your forehead as hard as their foreheads." I love this text because God had just gotten done telling Ezekiel that he was sending him to the people of Israel and they were a bunch of hard-headed people. And in response to this, God tells Ezekiel, I'm making your head as hard as theirs because you have to get this message across! I find that humorous, but there is a helpful truth there as well. You know we are called to love and serve those who are, at least in our estimation, hard-headed! And we can be tempted to blame their "hard-headedness" as the reason for us to quit worrying about them. However, if we really want to see someone know Christ and grow in Christ, we can't bail on them. We need heads that are just as hard! And praise God, by grace, He can provide us that.
As for announcements, this coming Sunday we will have the breakfast bar open prior to Sunday School this Sunday. So come early, enjoy some good food, good fellowship, and then attend a class to enjoy fellowship along with God's Word! 
Second, WMU will be meeting at 10am on March 2. Mark it on your calendar and make plans to be there for this time of learning, fellowship, and mission amongst our ladies here at Hopewell. 
Finally, on March 23 we have the Hope Mission Breakfast and the Easter Egg Hunt. Be sure to mark it on your calendar and support the events when and where you can. 
See you Sunday!


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastors Dalton 2/15/2024

Church Family, 
Romans 15:1 says, "We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves." Now hopefully you are hesitant to declare yourself as "strong," and I agree with you. However, let's lower the bar of our expectations of what "strong" is and let's suffice it to say that you may well be more spiritually mature than others that you know who claim Christ. Now assuming that you are stronger than someone, how do you handle the weaker brothers? I'm convinced that all-to-often our default response is to boldly reprimand their obvious weakness rather than bearing with them in it. We must see people not as weak links to be destroyed, but brothers who need to grow in their faith and they need you to do it! So be gracious and bear with those who know less than you. 
As for announcements, on March 23 will be feeding the Hope Mission downtown at 7am. This is a great opportunity to help those in need and to serve the ministry of the gospel that takes place throughout the meeting. So be sure to sign up and come and serve. 
Second, on the same day we will be having our annual Easter Egg hunt at 12:30pm. Certainly we want you to begin to invite others to this event, but right now, mark your calendar and if you can help feel eggs with candy, please do that. We will have the empty eggs ready soon for people to take and fill up. Thank you to those of you who do this every year!
Short week of announcements, but that's ok! The last announcement is the one that I make every week: Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday! 


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 2/8/2024

Church Family, 
Romans 8:18 says, "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." I just love this text. Paul knew suffering well, and the extent of his suffering was pretty bad. However, he says that it really isn't even worth comparing. It's not even in the same ballpark! That is not to downplay our current suffering. It is certainly not fun and you are not intended to enjoy it. But rather, the key of this verse is that the glory in store for us is so great, that nothing else measures up! That's exciting and it should be encouraging. So, let's be diligent, knowing that we are running the race for a great God! 
As for announcements, this coming Saturday morning the Secret Sisters will be meeting at 9am for breakfast as Mama Penn's. This event is open to all ladies, even if you did not officially sign up for the secret sister ministry. This breakfast is just planned as a time of fellowship as you enjoy some time with other sisters in Christ. So make plans to go get you some pancakes and eggs!
Then, that night (February 10), at 5:30pm come and buy a very affordable spaghetti dinner with dessert and drink and all for a good cause! Of course we will be having our Valentine's Banquet, and the youth will be serving as all the proceeds will go to help send them to summer camp. Also, for entertainment we will be having the newlywed game, so it should be fun! So make plans to be there. 
Finally, I want to just celebrate something with you! I know that during our business meetings we saw that the finances were doing well last year, but the numbers have been finalized and closed out for the year. And with that, with just our general giving, we surpassed our budget by around $40,000! I think that's worth celebrating, as with that we have been able to do so much needed work around our church. So thank you for being faithful to give, and I'm excited to see how we can leverage God's blessings for His glory alone! Amen! 
I look forward to worshipping with you Sunday. See you then!
Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 2/1/2024

Church Family, 
Mark 1:27 says, "And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, 'What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.'" Now this point is interesting because they were shocked to hear teaching with authority because apparently they were so used to teaching without authority. Now of course the authority here is because Jesus is God and He has ultimate power over all things. So the question is, can we teach with authority today? I think so! No, I don't and you don't have the authority to command whatever you want to be done. However, when we teach God's Word with a reliance upon God's Spirit then you are plugged into God's power. He is the authority behind His Word that we point others to. Amen!
As for announcements, the Valentine's Party is on February 10 at 5:30pm. Please be sure to sign up on Sunday if you plan to come, and you can pay at the door that night. It should be a fun time with a good meal, and the best part is that all of the funds help to send our teenagers to Summer Camp! So come enjoy and support. 
Second, I just want to brag on our business meeting this past Sunday. We voted to have the education building painted and the floors redone, and it went over without a hitch. Now I'm excited about the work that will take place, but I'm also very excited to see a church that is on the same page. It's a great testimony for us to have. So I just want to commend and encourage you in this unity! 
Finally, there is a sign-up for the Hope Mission Breakfast in March. Of course the breakfast is a ways away, but I want to encourage you to go ahead and signup if you can help as it will help Kim and the WMU in planning and preparing for that awesome outreach opportunity. 
I'll see you Sunday! 


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 1/25/2024

Church Family, 
Acts 11:17 says, "If then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God's way?" This is Peter reporting to the church in Jerusalem about the salvation of the Gentiles and the result was that the whole place fell silent. I simply ask you this: are you guilty of putting God in a box? It is certainly true that we sometimes think God can and will only work in certain ways, and I think we sell God short. Don't put Him in a box, because He is the creator of it all! 
As for announcements, I should be back today! I'm so excited to share with you all that took place over the past week, and I'll plan to give you a report this coming Sunday during the morning service. Thank you so much for all the prayers. 
Finally, don't forget about the Valentine's Banquet on February 10. The event will be a fundraiser for the youth so come and enjoy the time and support the students. Make sure to mark it on your calendar. 
Lord willing, I'll see you on Sunday! 


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 1/18/2024

Church Family, 
Matthew 11:11 says, "Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist. Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." Jesus says this right after John sends messengers because he is having doubts in prison. I love this text because it reminds me that having doubts and moments of weakness is no reflection upon who we are in and to Christ. Jesus praises John despite his doubts. It's comforting to know that even John the Baptist struggled with his faith, and yet, God was faithful to Him!
As for announcements, Lord willing, I'm arriving to Uganda at midnight tonight, which is about 4pm our time. So I just ask that you pray for me as I hit the ground and begin the work tomorrow. Pray for protection for me and for clarity in speech and thought in my teaching. Also, please be praying for Nicole and kiddos!
Second, on February 10 the social team will once again be hosting a Valentine's Banquet which will be a time where the youth will serve and receive all the proceeds to help send them to youth camp this Summer. So, be on the lookout for the details on that in the bulletin and make plans to come and support the youth and enjoy a good time of food and entertainment with you Valentine!
Finally, I want to encourage you to be here this coming Sunday, as we have special speaker planned. I'm excited about it, and I think you'll be blessed by it. So come ready to worship!
I would say see you then! However, I'll be worshipping with our brothers and sisters in Uganda! Praying for you all and love you!


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 1/11/2024

Church Family, 
Acts 8:1 says, "And Saul approved of his execution. And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles." This scene immediately follows the stoning of Stephen, one of the first deacons. I give you this verse today, because I want you to see how it connects to Acts 1:8. The church was supposed to be a witness in Jerusalem, and they had been doing that for the entire book of Acts. However, they were also supposed to go to Judea and Samaria, and they had not done so yet. But what pushed them? Persecution. The blood of the martyr Stephen proved to be the seed for growth of the church throughout the surrounding regions! God can use many things in many ways all for His glory! 
As for announcements, if you have a teenager between 6th-12th grade, then you need to contact Sarah Watts ( about Winter Jam and Summer Camp! Unless they are gone, they had just a few spots left for winter jam, and Sarah is very excited about MFuge this year, but deposits will be due soon. So please contact her and get your student signed up!
Second, I am scheduled to fly out on January 17 if the Lord wills it. So I just ask that you pray for me as I travel and please be in prayer for Nicole and the kiddos as well. With that, I am so grateful to you all! My trip has been completely paid for through your generosity, and I feel extremely blessed. Thank you and I can't wait to give you a report of the work when I get back!
Finally, I wanted to make sure everyone knew that we are still meeting on Sunday evenings for Prayer Meeting, but we are no longer meeting in the sanctuary. Now we are meeting in Harry's classroom which is the first large classroom in the education building. So come and join us at 6pm on Sundays and let's pray! 
I look forward to seeing you Sunday!


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 1/4/2024

Church Family, 
Matthew 1:5-6 says, "and Salmon the father of Boaz by Rahab, and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of David the king." I actually could have included verse 3 as well. I want you to see something I found fascinating about this genealogy. Only the fathers are mentioned except for 3 cases: Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth. Now you can read Tamar's story in Genesis and you'll see it's not exactly a story full of righteous acts. Then we know that Rahab was the prostitute that hid the Israelite spies, and Ruth, while honorable, was the pagan wife who was rescued by the kinsman redeemer Boaz. Neither of these women would be bright spots by Jewish standards, and yet, Matthew made sure they were highlighted in the geneology. I won't say more than that. Just ponder that fact. 
As for announcements, don't forget about the first WMU meeting of the new year this Saturday at 10am. If you are a lady and you have not yet been to a WMU meeting, then start this new year off right by coming to the first one! It's a great time of fellowship and ministry for all of our ladies!
Second, this coming Sunday we plan to ordain Bro. Doug VanDyken and Bro. Ryan Marino into the Deacon ministry! I'm excited about this special service as we get the chance to pray for our deacons and we look forward to the ministry they'll fulfill in the life of our church! 
Finally, my trip to Uganda is January 17-25. I want to thank everyone who gave to help send me, and I want to thank everyone of you that gave something to support the ministry we will be doing over there. I just ask now that you pray for me to stay well so I can make the flight, and pray for the trip as a whole! 
I look forward to being with you Sunday! See you then!


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 12/28/2023

Church Family, 
Luke 19:4 says, "So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was about to pass that way." Of course, this is the story of Zacchaeus, the "wee-little man" as the childrens' song goes. He was short in stature and couldn't see over the crowds, but he wasn't going to let that stop him from seeing Jesus. Now there is much that can be said here, but I want to bring out a simple point. Climbing a tree is not easy work. It's inconvenient, but he did it. How many times have you missed out on worship because something was inconvenient? Would you climb a tree to see Jesus? Be careful to not let comfort be the main excuse that keeps you from Christ and his calling on your life. 
As for announcements, this coming Sunday is New Years Eve and we will be observing the Lord's Supper. So please come prepared to partake in the Supper by making sure you are at peace with all your brothers and sisters in Christ. This is a great way to end the year and begin to usher in the next one. 
Second, we are approaching the end of the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering season. Technically, there is no time limit to when you can give to Lottie Moon and the IMB, but our focused time is coming to a close. If you have not yet given, please consider doing so, as those funds are used to help fulfill the Great Commission. 
Finally, remember that on January 7 we are planning to ordain Bro. Ryan Marino and Bro. Doug VanDyken into the deacon ministry. I want this to be an encouraging time for our church family as we celebrate together. So come prepared to pray and offer encouragement to these brothers. 
I will see you Sunday! 


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 12/21/2023

Church Family, 
Nehemiah 1:4 says, "As soon as I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourned for days, and I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven." This chapter of Nehemiah has always been encouraging to me, as right after this verse there is a long recorded prayer, where Nehemiah recalls the promises of God in asking for a very specific request. However, one thing I've never noticed is look at what he does in verse 4. He fasts and prays for many days, and then we see the long recorded prayer. But what was he praying for many days? I'm sure he prayed very similar prayers, but what I find encouraging is that there are a lot of unrecorded prayers. Your prayers may not sound like the one in Nehemiah 1, but that specific prayer came after days of praying and weeping. And my guess is that those prayers were less polished. The key is that he was praying and the same is true for us. 
As for announcements, thank you to everyone who went caroling and attended the Christmas party this past Sunday. We had a great time singing with those at Morningside assisted living, and then we had a wonderful time of fellowship at the party. I hope that you enjoyed the gathering, and if you get a chance, be sure to tell a social team member how much you appreciate all they've done this year in planning these events for us. 
Second, I'm not sure if you were aware of this or not, but Sunday is Christmas Eve! We will have regular morning services this coming Sunday. Then at 6pm we will have a shorter candlelight service. So I look forward to seeing you then as we bring the Advent season to a close. 
Finally, on January 7 we hope to open our new year by having a special ordination service for our two new  deacons: Bro. Ryan Marino and Bro. Doug VanDyken. This should be a sweet time of fellowship, and I wanted to be sure to put it on your radar as we get ready for that Sunday. 
See you Sunday!


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 12/14/2023

Church Family, 
Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Man, talk about having some big shoes to fill! Joshua had to follow the man who literally went up on a mountain with God and received the 10 commandments. He followed a guy who was the human instrument in the splitting of the Red Sea. And yet, Joshua was commanded to be strong and courageous! Could you imagine? Joshua certainly seemed to have ample reason to be frightened, but God tells him to stop and listen. He tells Joshua to read and understand the Law and to live by it. And then the key to it all? That last part of verse 9! God will be with him wherever he goes. God was with Moses too! The only thing that made Moses great was God, and God would do the same through Joshua. I guess the question is, what makes you think you can't do something God has commanded you to do?
As for announcements, this coming Sunday at 3:30pm we will be going Christmas Caroling at a local assisted living facility. This is a great opportunity to have fun singing some Christmas songs and to minister to those who are often forgotten. Many in these assisted living facilities have family that visit and involve them, but as you well know, there are a large number of residents who never have a visitor. So, we plan to spread some Christmas cheer and share the love of Christ this Sunday! 
Then, at 6pm we will be having our church wide Christmas party in the FLC! The social team has some fun games planned, and it should be a sweet time of fellowship. So bring a finger food, and if you want to partake in the gift exchange, bring a $10 wrapped gift. It's going to be fun!
Finally, we will have our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 6pm on Christmas Eve. So make sure to invite any friends or family that may be looking for somewhere to worship on Christmas Eve evening. 
See you on Sunday! 


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist
Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 12/7/2023

Church Family, 
2 Corinthians 12:9 says, "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." This past Monday, I got the privilege to interview Pastor Tony Howell who is retiring from Starr Baptist Church after serving them for 32 years. One of the first questions I asked Pastor Tony was, "If he wrote a book on ministry, what would the title be?" His answer? Grace! He mentioned simply that none of it is possible with God's grace. I thought his answer was simple yet profound. And it made me think of this verse. Believer, I don't know what you are facing today, but I do know this: God's grace is sufficient! 
As for announcements, our regular end of the year business meeting is this coming Sunday immediately following the morning service. If you're a member, please plan to attend as we will be voting on the budget and other important items. 
Second, the church wide Christmas party will be at 6pm on December 17th. Just bring a finger food item and a $10 gift that is wrapped if you'd like to take part in the gift exchange game that they have planned. This party was so much fun last year, and I'm looking forward to it again this year. So make sure to join us for some food, fun, and fellowship!
Finally, we will have a Candlelight Christmas Eve service at 6pm guessed it....Christmas Eve! Be sure to invite neighbors and friends who would like to be a part of this story. Many people are willing to attend Christmas events even if they'd never come to church, so my prayer is that this will be a time of outreach as we present the gospel during this service. 
I look forward to seeing you Sunday!


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist