
Bulletin Announcements 10/20/2024

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~Trunk or Treat - October 26, 2024, 6:00-8:00 pm – Family Life Center

Please see the sign-up sheet in the left side room to reserve a space/table for the “Trunk-or-Treat.”  For questions, please see Cindy Ashenfelder or any Social Team Member. 

~Candy Collections for Trunk or Treat - Please place individually wrapped candy donations in the left side room. 

~Please see Deacon nomination list on front bulletin table.

~October 20, 2024 (Tonight) – HOPE Kids Truth Tracker Halloween Party!            5:30 – 7:00 pm – Family Life Center.  Parents and siblings are welcome to join for the first 30 minutes for Pizza and party dishes/snacks.

~October: Pastor Appreciation month & the 25th is Pastor Dalton’s birthday.

~Meal Train for Harry and Barbara Jordan – Please see sign-up sheet in left side room.  For questions, please see Kem Van Dyken.

~October 22, 2024 – Memorial Service honoring Sara Barnes.  Receiving friends: 12, Service: 1:00 – 2:00 pm.  A service meal will be provided for the family, see Roxanna Boothe to help provide a side dish, dessert or help serve.

~October 23, 2024 – Bible Study Supper! 6pm – Bible Study – 6:30 pm

Another special time to celebrate Pastor Dalton honoring Pastor appreciation month and his birthday!

~November 2, 2024 – Dot Ayers WMU Meeting, 10:00 am – 12, FLC  Mission Project:  Blankets for Preemie Babies, AnMed Hospital.  For questions and more details, please see Kim Saylors

~Heart-4-Anderson:  Collection of new or lightly used blankets/throws, coats, jackets, hoodies, shirts, pants, socks, shoes, new undergarments & hygiene products for the Heart-4-Anderson church event in November (date TBA).  We will hand out items & a meal the evening we gather in front of the Courthouse, downtown Anderson.  Please place items in the left side room.  Volunteers needed along with donations for the meal (hotdogs, chips, chili/soup, crackers and water).

~January 13-22, 2024 Uganda Mission Trip.  Questions, see Pastor Dalton.

~Children’s Ministry/Youth Ministry Sign-in/out sheet in Educational Building Hallway.  Parents/Guardians, please sign/initial in/out your child attending any of the Children or Youth Ministry Programs.

~Parents/Guardians visiting for the first time with a child attending Children’s Church.  Please accompany your child for check-in on their first visit to Children’s Church for a brief conversation with the Children’s Church Teacher.

~Please pick up WMU Booklets of from front bulletin table and/or Educational Building hallway in the bulletin/magazine rack.

~Collecting soda can pop top tabs for Ronald McDonald House.  The box is located in the front left side room of the sanctuary.   

~Newspapers for PAWS – Collection box in the Educational Building Hallway

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