
Bulletin Announcements 6/9/2024

Announcements original original


~June 9-12 - Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting - Indianapolis

~June 16, 2024 – Father’s Day!  (No Evening Services)

~June 16, 2024 – Breakfast Bar Open!  -  9:15 am.   A Father’s Day Special!      Come a little early and have some extra time and extra breakfast treats to help celebrate our fathers.  Everyone is invited!

~June 19, 2024 – VBS Decorating, 6:00 pm.  For questions or more details, see Nicole Fowler.

~June 22, 2024 – VBS Decorating, 8:00 am.  For questions or more details, see Nicole Fowler

~June 23-27, 2024 – VBS, Breaker Rock Beach, 6:00 – 8:30 pm.  Tuesday Meal and Parking Lot Security volunteers needed.  If you wish to volunteer in a different area, and have not signed up, more group leaders are always welcome.  For questions, please see Nicole Fowler.  INVITE KIDS TO JOIN US! – Register Kids at myvbs.org/hbcanderson

~July 3 & 4, 2024 – Movie:  “Sound of Hope” 

See a copy of the flyer in the From the Pastor’s Heart email sent out Thursday and copies on the front bulletin table and left side room sign-up table.  This was brought to Pastor Dalton’s attention by Fostering the Family.  They stated that some of the proceeds from ticket sales will go to supporting their organization.  You can see the trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbvo_32eT8M

~July 13, 2024 – Dot Ayers WMU Meeting, 10:00 am – 12:00, FLC.  For questions, please see Kim Saylors.

July Mission Project:  Fostering the Family

Also, please pick up WMU Booklets from the front bulletin table.

~July 20, 2024 – Men’s Ministry Meeting, 8:00 am, FLC.  For questions and more details, see Pastor Dalton.

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