
Words from Kim

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Hi Everyone,

I hope that everything is going well for you this week!  A big thank you to Sarah for speaking and sharing with us at our August meeting! It was definitely a message that I personally needed to hear and I am thankful that God laid it on her heart to share it with us. Thank you for the donations to help the Helping Hands Children’s Home.  They send their thanks and said with your donations that they were able to restock their supplies and still have some for backup.  As we enter into our last 3rd quarter focus of children / orphans, for September we will be doing donations for Pendleton Place.  Pendleton Place was established in 1975 as an emergency shelter for children entering foster care. Over the years they have evolved into a community cornerstone for children and families experiencing foster care, homelessness, poverty, and other forms of trauma.  They offer housing, hope, and healing through the many programs that they have established.  They are currently operating Pendleton Place, Smith House, and TLP Housing for youth aging out of foster care. 
The following is a list of items that they are currently in need of for 2 of their locations.
Pendleton Place facility needs:
Kellogs Nutri-Grain Bars
Tide original laundry detergent
Dove original clean deodorant
Unscented baby wipes
Kraft original easy mac & cheese
Hagon PRO disposable rain poncho
Dove body wash deep moisture
Amazon Basics 6 piece towel set
Smith House needs:
Cetaphil advanced relief lotion with shea butter
Sukeen stay cool cooling towel
Carmex daily care moisturizing lip balm
Off family care insect repellent
We look forward to Audrey sharing with us for our September 7th meeting and our menu will be hamburgers.  (I will pickup the hamburger patties & buns at sam’s). So we will need lettuce, tomato, onions, cheese, pickles, sides and desserts. If you are able to bring any of these items please respond to all on the email so that everyone will know what is being brought.
As always thank you for all that you do each month to shine the light of Jesus by blessing those in need through our local missions activities.  
Love in Christ,
*Just a reminder that we are continuing to collect the soda can pop top tabs for Ronald McDonald House for the whole year, so just drop them in the box located in the front left side room of the sanctuary.*  

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