Church Cookbooks

Church Cookbooks - $10.00 each. Please let us know how many you wish to order. Please make plans to purchase one or two for yourself and/or as a gift. We will also be advertising these on our Facebook page. All proceeds from the sale of the books will go to the Children's Ministry.
4 Ways To Order & Pay:
1. email your name and # of requested cookbooks to and pay by click on the green GIVE button at the top of the Home page and click on Designated - Cookbook under Type. You can either state in your email that you wish to come by the church to pick up your book or you can give your mailing address in the email and pay an extra $1.00 for shipping.
2. Come to the church on Sundays, books will be on display/sale before and after the 11:00 am service. They will be on display in the front room of the Family Life Center.
3. Mail a check to the church, including an extra $1.00 for shipping and your cookbook(s) will be mailed out to you as soon as the check is processed.
4. Request your cookbook(s) on our Facebook page by message to the Cookbook listing. Pay using the GIVE button on the website or by mailing a check. Indicate if you wish your book to be mailed or that you will be picking it up. If by mail - please include an extra $1.00 for shipping.
Thank you.